Friday 3 March 2017

Private Homeschooling VS Public School Which is the Best?

This article is to help all those parents who are looking for guideline to decide either private homeschooling will be a good idea for the educational career of their children or if they need to rely on public schools. Need Help to Decide on Homeschooling vs Public Schools? Here is a brief look at the pros and cons of homeschooling private tutor London as an introduction to homeschool vs. public education.

Like everything in life, homeschooling has its advantages and disadvantages. If you are reading this, then you've probably already given a lot of thought to a home school vs public education. But, because we are talking about the most precious thing in your life, your child, its important to get a balanced view on homeschooling vs public schools. Only then will you be in a position to make a truly informed decision about your child's education.

Pros - points favoring homeschooling

When evaluating merits and demerits of homeschooling, you'll no doubt be overwhelmed with negative arguments from your family and friends. Putting aside this "obliging" and well-meaning advice for a while, you should focus instead on all of the positive aspects of homeschooling.
You will experience a more fulfilling family life. By sharing in your child's education instead of leaving it in the hands of a stranger, you will grow close to your child and strong family bonds will develop, not just between you and your child, but also between siblings as well. And, you will not just be teaching academic subjects to your child, you will also be passing on and sharing your own family values and practices.

It offers more scope for flexibility. A home-schooler can choose a timetable to suit their child, and choose which areas of the curriculum to focus on, tailoring each lesson to match their child's strengths and weaknesses, at a pace that allows their child to fully understand and learn.
One on one teaching. With a classroom ratio of teacher to pupils running at about 1: 30, the homeschooling tutor option is just so much more appealing. Being able to focus all your attention on just one child, until you are sure they understand, is much more rewarding, leads to higher grades and is less stressful for the child--who would otherwise have to compete for attention in class.
Homeschooling is ideal for parents who hold strong religious and philosophical beliefs, and who wish to educate their children within the framework of those beliefs.

Being at home under your supervision is a much safer environment for your child to grow up in. The fact that some public schools openly search pupils for weapons before they step on to school property is an admission of failure in itself. And, keeping your child away from harmful bullying and disruptive peer pressure can only be a big plus in favor of homeschooling.

Cons – points opposing homeschooling

We've already touched on the negative response you are likely to receive from family and friends when you tell them you are considering homeschooling your kids, but these issues are easily overcome. However, there are other arguments against homeschooling that are not so easily shrugged off.

Ultimately YOU will be responsible for your child's education. So if anything does go wrong it will be wholly down to you. Hopefully, with the help and support of other homeschoolers this won't happen, but the possibility of failure has to be considered. You will need to be able to hold your nerve and stand up for yourself against any negativity that may come your way. We can guarantee there will be pressure from people who don't understand.

Homeschooling is hard work. You will be with your children all day, every day - and if you don't plan your schedule efficiently enough, there will be no more "me time". You will have to research and prepare lessons as well as fit in all the other things you need to do around the home.

It can be expensive to homeschool a child, we don't just mean the cost of books and field trips, but the other costs you don't immediately think about. Will homeschooling mean you go from a two salary household to just the one income? Can you afford this? And, although no doubt lovely, your home just doesn't have the same facilities a public school can provide; no gym, no sports teams or a music room full of expensive instruments. These activities are all going to cost you extra. And, worst of all, you'll most likely still be paying taxes for public schools that you're not using!

Try to look objectively at the pros and cons of homeschooling. It is only you who can make the decision whether to homeschool or not. It is down to you to judge if you are willing and able to dedicate your life and commit yourself totally to your child's educational needs. It's a tough call, but going in with your eyes open to the pros and cons of homeschooling can only help make that decision a little easier for you. Athena Tuitions is the leading tutoring agency in London providing the best private homeschooling tutors for math, English, GCSE tutors, A level, O level, 7+, 11+ and all subjects. Let your children seek education with ease and confidence with Athena Tuition!